Saturday 27th July
Card Night at Figtree Hall
Col W.
Join us for a fun night of cards and games at the Bridge Club Hall in Figree.
Doors open at 6.30pm for 6.45pm start (don't be late!)
Cost is $4.00 per person. Please bring a small plate of nibbles to share for supper. No hot food as there are no heating facilities.
Address: 11 Princes Highway, Figtree. Approach can be from either north or south. Turn into the park on the north side of Figtree shopping centre carpark.
Activity Sheet
Sunday 28th July
Indoor Bowls at Warilla
Col W.
Come and join us at Warilla Bowling Club for a fun 2 hours of bowling.
Meet in the foyer at 12 noon for lunch and a 1.30pm play bowls. Cost is $8 for bowls and green hire.
Socks or bowling shoes must be worn on the green. After the game stay and have a coffee or cool drink with friends.
Activity Sheet