April Program
Coordinator: TBC
Tuesday 1st April
Tuesday Tunes at the Builders
Carole D.
Join us in the Basement at the Builders Club for this months Tuesday Tunes. This month we will be entetained by Jo Elms and Paul McCann
Doors open at 11.ooam and the show commences at 11.30am.
Cost is $39 which includesa two course lunch. (Please put $40 in an envelope and I will give you $1 change.)
Names and money ASAP
Activity Sheet.
Thursday 3rd April
Picnic in the Botanic Gardens
John C.
Meet at 12.00pm noon for a picnic lunch in the beautiful Wollongong Botanic Gardens.
Park in Madeline Street for 2 hours free.
Bring your own chair, lunch and drinks
Activity Sheet
Tuesday 15th April
IOC Meeting Night
All Welcome!
The meeting commences at 7.30pm downstairs in the Sunken Lobby at the Fraternity Club, Fairy Meadow.
Members, guests, and visitors are welcome to join us for the meeting or come early and join us for dinner from 6.00pm in the Fraternity Bistro.
Don't forget to wear your IOC name badge to win a prize and help us to get to know each other.
Saturday 19th April
Card & Games Night at the Bridge Club Figtree
Col W.
Join us for a fun night of cards and games at the Bridge Club Hall in Figtree.
Cost is $5 per person.
Please bring a small plate of nibbles to share for supper. No hot food as there are no heating facilities.
Doors open at 6.30pm for 6.45pm start (don't be late!)
Address: 11 Princes Highway, Figtree.
Approach can be from either north or south. Turn into the park on the north side of Figtree shopping centre carpark.
Activity Sheet
Sunday 20th April
Indoor Bowls at Warilla Bowling Club
Col W.
Come and join us for a fun 2 hours of bowls with no sun, wind or rain or bumps in the grass.
Meet in the foyer at at 12.00 noon for lunch and at 1.30pm play bpwls.
Cost is $8 for bowls and green hire.
Socks, bare feet or bowling shoes must be worn on thr green. After the game enjoy a coffee or cool drink and a chat.
Activity Sheet.